Yogobe Play

This page is an overview of all the content included when you start a premium subscription of Yogobe PLAY. Our audio- and video library, playlists, programs and challenges as well as weekly classes LIVE-online.

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Popular programs

5 weeks

Power Intensive

Workout  with  

Öka din rörlighet och styrka med hjälp av yoga! Ett program för såväl yogis som vill avancera som dig som lyfter tungt och vill bli smidigare.

Included in subscription

Upcoming LIVE event

14 May

Wednesday11:16 - 11:31 GMT+0


kampanj empatisk stress

Workshop: återhämtningwith

99.00 SEK

Yogobe App EN

Download our new app today and access your saved videos, playlists, programs and challenges. You can also watch offline anytime, anywhere. EN