The Fundamentals – online

Learn about the fundamental parts of yoga – and create a solid foundation in your yoga practice and your inner self.

699.00 SEK


The Fundamentals – online

Welcome to The Fundamentals – online, a practical course forming a necessary base of central importance, guided by Brooke Elliston. This course will provide you with the fundamentals of the yoga practice; the bedrock tools, techniques, and ideas that provide the most potent aspects of the journey. This course is for everyone – for those stepping on a yoga mat for the very first time, as well as those who have been practicing and teaching for years.

The essential components of a yoga practice are always more challenging than the final destination. If there is a...
30 Uker program
14 videoer sammenlagt
Part 1
2 Videoer sammenlagt - 1H5Min
Part 2
2 Videoer sammenlagt - 1H15Min
Part 3
2 Videoer sammenlagt - 1H
Part 4
2 Videoer sammenlagt - 1H20Min
Part 5
2 Videoer sammenlagt - 1H15Min
Part 6
2 Videoer sammenlagt - 1H
Part 7
2 Videoer sammenlagt - 1H20Min