10 Veckor

The Art of Breathing

Explore the power of the breath – learn how to balance your body and mind through different breathing techniques.

1499.00 SEK

About the course

The Art of breathing – online course

Welcome to this breathing course with yoga master Ulrica Norberg. During 10 weeks we will explore the breath, physiology, and the art of yogic breathing; Pranayama.

We will look into how to sit properly, and what poses, asana, can help to bring more tension out of our breath and to strengthen our inner energy. You'll learn the most common pranayama techniques and practice them in order of one technique a week.

You will have access to lectures and text documents and other supporting material about the techniques and how to master them. All...
10 Veckor program
55 videor sammanlagt
Course introduction
3 Videor - 28Min
Week 1
5 Videor - 1H23Min
Week 2
3 Videor - 1H
Week 3
3 Videor - 1H
Week 4
5 Videor - 1H20Min
Week 5
3 Videor - 55Min
Week 6
5 Videor - 1H8Min
Week 7
6 Videor - 1H10Min
Week 8
10 Videor - 2H18Min
Week 9
9 Videor - 2H30Min
Week 10
3 Videor - 38Min